蔣友柏表示,KDX是照東方人的臉形需求設計的眼鏡,是一個個性化的品牌,譬如孔子系列是圓形鏡框,戴上去有書卷氣質;紅樓夢女款系列則採用纖細的金屬鏡腿.首波將充分利用大家已熟知的古人,再結合現代流行的款式來創造話題.According to Demos Chiang, KDX is custom designed according to the facial contour of Eastern people and it is also an individualized brand. For instance, the Confucius collection features round frames that exude a scholarly demeanor, while the Dream of the Red Chamber lady’s collection utilizes slender metallic legs. This is the first time that renowned historical figures have been combined with modern designs in such a manner.