這支電視廣告以互動式對位元投影的方式表現三浦工業株式會社「高純度軟水」的世界觀。製作能自由移動鏡頭位置,即時地產生互動式3D對位投影(※1)的MR(Mixed Reality/複合真實感※2)攝影棚來進行拍攝。是一即時掌握舞者的動作,配合其動作進行互動式對位元投影製作出的影像作品。





4:所有的音源是僅由三位Human Beat Box (※3)的聲音所製作出。經由擬聲的聲音演出,對觀眾來說可直覺地產生出易於理解的水之音響效果,表現出Mixed Reality空間才有的,現實與非現實空隙的交錯。

※1 使用對位投影機,是一種將實物與影像同步的攝影手法。並非僅是單純在螢幕上平面地投影出如影像和電腦圖像,而是將建築和傢俱等立體物,或凹凸面用投影機投射出來。利用影像的移動與變化,影像可表現出物件物的移動、變形、甚或自體發光等。

※2 2MR (Mixed Reality/複合真實感) 是一種將現實世界與CG即時協調地融合在一起的影像資訊處理技術。運用現實世界資訊的豐富與CG的柔軟性,使之可提供較僅使用CG表現的VR,更進一步的影像世界。

※3 Human beat box (人聲節奏鼓) 用人的聲音來製造出打擊樂器聲與旋律(DJ表演)。人聲打擊器屬於Human beat box的一種。利用口鼻來發聲(有時用手敲擊口,也會使用舌)的擬聲,基本上全部都是由一個人來再現唱片中Scratch音、Base音、Rhythm Machine混音等音色之加工與變化等,製作出Break Beat的一種技巧。表演者通常被稱作Human Beat Boxer,或Beat Boxer。MIURA CO., LTD.’s “Ultra Soft Water TVCM” presents the world through Interactive Projection Mapping. We built a MR (Mixed Reality*) studio for a freely moving camera to create and capture Interactive 3D Projection Mapping* in real-time. This video demonstrates how the Project Mapping interactively works in real-time with the dancers’ movements.

[Technology Utilized for this Project]
1: 3D scan was used for data acquisition on the dancer’s movement and range. In order to correspond with fast dance movements, a high-speed sensor was used. The sensor also has the capability to follow multiple dancers at once.
2: Sensors attached to cameras were used to capture the space. Rendering and projection was carried out in real-time (the projection was altered depending on the camera angle. Using combined camera views it is possible to materialize a sense of reality). The projections are not just moving in relation to the space, but also operate in real-time with the dancers’ movements.
3: Using the above-mentioned information, with five projectors we were able to create performance in the space through Projection Mapping in real-time. For example, while the projector is providing output for background images and lighting, the data of the dancer positions is also acquired and implemented into the lighting system. In the future this could be a new way for stage, show, and concert lighting.
4. All of the audio was made completely by three Human Beat Boxers. Despite being sound imitations, the viewer can intuitively appreciate the acoustics of water. In the Mixed Reality airspace, it is possible to cross back and forth over the threshold between the real and virtual.
* Projection Mapping: A filming technique that allows synchronization between real objects and virtual images through use of a projector. It is not just simply projecting onto a flat surface, moving images or computer graphics can be projected onto; architecture, furniture, uneven surfaces, and more. According to an image’s movements or changes the object can appear to move and change as well. Natural light is also a factor.
* Mixed Reality: Technology that processes film data and allows reality and Computer Graphics to naturally blend in real-time. Combining the wealth of data from reality and the compatibility of CG offers filming possibilities beyond Virtual Reality.
* Human Beat Box: Using just the mouth to do ‘beat boxing.’ Voice Passion is a human beat box group. Using noises from the mouth and nose (sometimes putting the hand against the mouth, or using the tongue) to imitate sounds such as record scratches, bass, rhythm machine tones and alterations, typically a single person can do everything at once. It is another technique to create break-beats. Performers can be referred to as Human Beat Boxers or just Beat Boxers.