
團體實驗室進行多種時尚電子商務的製作與營運等。在時尚的電子商務中,將商品搭配後的照片比單件商品的照片更具有壓倒性的銷售量。在現實實體店鋪內的實體商品也是,附加豐富的搭配視覺意象等更是能突顯出商品的魅力。藉由『New Value in Behavior』的概念,將「拿起中意的商品」這類過去無意識進行的行為,以及想更加了解商品時的行為作為介面,喚出豐富的附加資訊。


我們認為,資訊化社會中產品的附加價值存在於網路上的數位領域更勝於產品自己本身的功能。產品或許就是一個介面,讓存在於現實空間的我們與網路裡的數位空間加以連結。teamLabHanger is an interactive hanger. Items are linked via a sensor that is installed in the hanger and when a customer picks up the hanger coordinated images and videos, or an items design concept, features, explanation of materials etc, additional information is displayed on monitors in the store.


teamLab has created and managed a number of fashion and e-commerce projects. In In the world of fashion e-commerce, rather than one stand alone photo, coordinated photos overwhelming increase sales. Even the space of the store can be coordinated visually and through adding information an item can be shown to be more appealing.
Considering the concept, “New Value in Behaviour”, when you take something into your hand, the subconscious movement is the result of an action of wanting to know more about the item. The teamLabHanger acts as an interface that provides additional information as a result of this action.


In order make the action of taking an item by the hand more enjoyable, displays can provide not only item information but additional information and sound.


In the information society added product value belongs more in the digital domain than in the item itself. The product exists in the same reality as we do and it is necessary to have an interface between us and the digital network domain.