

孩子們可以在已经畫出魚類輪廓的上色用繪圖紙上自由地塗上颜色,創造出自己原創的海洋生物。然後讓被創造出来的海洋生物游入影像的大海之中,悠游自在地游泳。觀賞者們也可以靠近它们然後投下飼料,這麼一來影像中的海洋生物就會靠近過来。This is an aquarium where sea creatures drawn by children come to life!


Children use their imagination to create colorful sea creatures on paper. These sea creatures then come to life as projections that enter a virtual sea, and begin to swim about freely. When children get close to the display, a piece of food appears before them, causing the creatures in the virtual sea to gather around it.