Corporate Intro
VAIO,是索尼公司販售的以IBM PC相容機為基準搭載Windows的電腦系列品牌。為了要推廣 Sony VAIO 筆記型電腦, Sony 希望 DEM 設計一款符合 VAIO 機種外型並兼顧 Sony 品牌形象的電腦包。

Department Service
DEM 團隊為了要設計出符合標準贈品生產成本但又具有時尚外型的經典電腦包,研究了包覆性高的防水防撞材質。為節省成本,須把包覆材質結合結構,於是在外型設計上,延續 VAIO 無菱角的流線設計語言,紅與白對比配色詮釋 Sony 融合創新設計與穩定品質的品牌形象。為提供更高的附加價值,開發出新型態的防水拉鍊,將拉鍊轉化成電腦包的主視覺。
限量1000個的電腦包,獲得了市場正面的迴響並且創造銷售佳績。Corporate Intro
Sony wanted DEM to design a computer bag that matched the VAIO styling and Sony’s brand image to better promote the Sony VAIO notebook computer.


Department Service
To design a classic computer bag that has a stylish appearance, but is cheap enough to offer as a standard accessory, DEM studied water and shock resistant cover materials. The cover material and structure were combined to reduce the cost. The bag’s external styling continued VAIO’s smooth, streamlined design with the contrasting red and white colors, emphasizing SONY’s brand image of combining innovative and dependable quality. For added value, a new water-resistant zipper was developed and used as the main visual element for this computer bag.
The release of the 1000 limited edition computer bags resulted in immediate strong sales for SONY.